Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Soil Data Viewer

This is from an email I received.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Dear Soil Data Viewer User,
The non-USDA-CCE version of Soil Data Viewer 5.2 is now available from the Soil Data Viewer website:


The non-USDA-CCE version is intended for any platform other than a USDA-CCE platform. This includes, but is not limited to, individuals, businesses, educational institutions and government platforms other than a USDA-CCE platform. There is no difference between the non-USDA-CCE and USDA-CCE versions of the SDV 5.2 application itself, only the install packages differ.

SDV 5.2 is compatible with ArcGIS 9.2. Additional requirements are listed on the Download page for SDV 5.2. The Download page for SDV 5.2 also includes the installation instructions.

The install package for SDV 5.2 will not prevent SDV 5.2 from installing for versions of ArcGIS greater than 9.2, but there is no guarantee that SDV 5.2 will work with versions of ArcGIS greater than 9.2. As soon as we can test SDV 5.2 under ArcGIS 9.3, we will update the Download page for SDV 5.2 to indicate whether or not SDV 5.2 appears to be compatible with ArcGIS 9.3.

USDA-CCE Soil Data Viewer Users,

The non-USDA-CCE version of SDV 5.2 will not install on a USDA-CCE platform. We still need to test SDV 5.2 on a tablet PC under Windows XP Tablet PC Edition, and the USDA-CCE install package for SDV 5.2 will then need to undergo CCE certification. We hope to release the USDA-CCE version of SDV 5.2 sometime in February 2008.

Dorn Egley
Project Manager
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
National Soil Information System Staff
Fort Collins, Colorado
(970) 295-5464

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