Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Soil Data Viewer
Monday, January 14, 2008
Dear Soil Data Viewer User,
The non-USDA-CCE version of Soil Data Viewer 5.2 is now available from the Soil Data Viewer website:
The non-USDA-CCE version is intended for any platform other than a USDA-CCE platform. This includes, but is not limited to, individuals, businesses, educational institutions and government platforms other than a USDA-CCE platform. There is no difference between the non-USDA-CCE and USDA-CCE versions of the SDV 5.2 application itself, only the install packages differ.
SDV 5.2 is compatible with ArcGIS 9.2. Additional requirements are listed on the Download page for SDV 5.2. The Download page for SDV 5.2 also includes the installation instructions.
The install package for SDV 5.2 will not prevent SDV 5.2 from installing for versions of ArcGIS greater than 9.2, but there is no guarantee that SDV 5.2 will work with versions of ArcGIS greater than 9.2. As soon as we can test SDV 5.2 under ArcGIS 9.3, we will update the Download page for SDV 5.2 to indicate whether or not SDV 5.2 appears to be compatible with ArcGIS 9.3.
USDA-CCE Soil Data Viewer Users,
The non-USDA-CCE version of SDV 5.2 will not install on a USDA-CCE platform. We still need to test SDV 5.2 on a tablet PC under Windows XP Tablet PC Edition, and the USDA-CCE install package for SDV 5.2 will then need to undergo CCE certification. We hope to release the USDA-CCE version of SDV 5.2 sometime in February 2008.
Dorn Egley
Project Manager
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
National Soil Information System Staff
Fort Collins, Colorado
(970) 295-5464
iGETT Summer Institute
"Integrating Remote Sensing Technology into Geospatial Curriculum"
June 16-28, 2008
Corpus Christi Texas
Integrated Geospatial Education and Technology Training (iGETT)
Funded by the National Science Foundation
2008 Applications due February 15, 2008
The Integrated Geospatial Education Technology and Training (iGETT) project offers two-year college faculty professional development opportunities that will enhance existing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) programs by integrating remote sensing and Global Positioning System (GPS) data in ways that support workforce needs. iGETT focuses on moderate-resolution (30 m, 250 m), readily available federal land remote sensing data, such as that from Landsat, MODIS, and ASTER sensors. Topical applications include: forestry, agriculture, disaster management, natural resources management, and urban planning.
Who may apply; what college resources and support are required?
Faculty who currently teach GIS at two-year colleges located in the United States are eligible to participate in iGETT. They are encouraged (but not required) to apply in teams of two. Co-applicants may work at the same institution or at different institutions that collaborate or intend to do so. One applicant must come from a two-year college; partners may come from other two-year colleges, affiliated high schools, or fouryear colleges/universities that have or plan to develop articulation agreements.
iGETT will offer each participant —
• a short online GIS review course and an introduction to remote sensing to be completed prior to the first Summer Institute. (Participants may opt to test out of the GIS course if they have recent experience teaching ArcGIS 9.1 or later versions.)
• two Summer Institutes (at Del Mar College, Corpus Christi, TX) that focus on remote sensing (remote sensing basics, data resource information, image processing techniques, and vector manipulation methods); integration of GIS and remote sensing; and related GPS applications. A one day field trip will be required to collect GPS data to ground truth land remote sensing data. The Institutes will also address program development issues such as attracting both traditional students and members of the workforce who need additional training, overcoming obstacles to program modifications, and developing partnerships with industries and government agencies. • housing at a local hotel (two persons per two-bedroom/two-bathroom suite) and meals during Summer Institutes.
• one on-line remote sensing course from the University of Mississippi, Institute for Advanced Education in Geospatial Sciences. Participants may select among several courses listed at http://geoworkforce.olemiss.edu/.
• mentoring and technical support (by e-mail, telephone, and web-conferencing) from project staff and advisors as the participants develop course modules and/or new courses and outreach initiatives; assistance identifying and downloading federal land remote sensing data and images.
• software through May 2010: 25-seat laboratory licenses for ArcGIS, ArcInfo, Spatial and 3D Analysis extensions, Leica Image Analyst extension, and ENVI.
• a Garmin 76S GPS receiver. • stipends, with payments based on faculty deliverables and full participation in both Summer Institutes. Participants will receive $75/day during the two Summer Institutes and $750 during the intervening academic year, for a total of $1,950.
• reimbursement of up to $500 for regional travel to disseminate information about program innovations, recruit students, develop relationships with industry and government agencies, etc. In addition, all participants may compete for six travel awards of up to $1,300 to make presentations about their program innovations at national professional meetings. Participants will —
• take or test out of the on-line GIS refresher course and review an introduction to remote sensing on the iGETT Web site before the first Summer Institute; attend all days and all sessions at both Summer Institutes; complete an on-line Remote sensing course.
• develop course modules (to cover at least two weeks of class time) or a new courses to address workforce needs that can be met by integrating GIS and federal land remote sensing data; make information about the modules and/or courses freely available on the iGETT Web site.
• participate in monthly teleconferences focused on the module/course development; accept guidance from iGETT staff and reviewers, including members of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (http://www.asprs.org).
APPLICATIONS ARE DUE BY: FEBRUARY 15, 2008 Letters of acceptance/non-acceptance will be mailed by March 15, 2008. Apply on line at http://igett.delmar.edu orsend the application form and support letter(s) as e-mail attachments to brand.ncge@verizon.net
For more information, please contact:
Dr. Phillip DavisProfessor,
Computer Science
Del Mar College
CC TX 78404
361.698.1126 (voice)
361.425.9606 (mobile)
361.698.1524 (fax)