Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Introductory GIS Workshop

The purpose of the workshop will be to familiarize participants with how to utilize data in a geospatial way (how to make your own maps). Participants will learn how to add data to maps and how to display maps. Resources will be provided to the participants. The main topics will be data collection, mapping data, joining data and displaying maps. The participants will need a basic understanding of spreadsheets and databases. This is a hands-on workshop and material will be available online for this workshop and additional GIS techniques. This material will include video, hard copy and web information. A GIS module website has been designed for those wishing to learn more and use it in their classes. This workshop will be a good introduction to those interested in GIS. This workshop is co-Sponsored by KITCenter and the National GeoTech Center.

To attend go to: The workshop will be in Louisville, KY.

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